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6 Citrus Recipes That Will Help Support Your Immune System

11 January, 2022
6 Citrus Recipes That Will Help Support Your Immune System

Even when illnesses such as COVID-19, the flu, and the common cold aren’t of concern, supporting your immune system is important. After all, your immune system is your body’s first line of defense against any invader, such as a virus, a bacteria, a toxin, or a fungus, as Johns Hopkins Medicine notes.

One way to keep yours in shape is by reaching for colorful, nutritionally dense foods — including citrus. As the University of Washington points out, among the benefits of this type of fruit is high vitamin C content, which an article published in November 2017 in Nutrients notes can help bolster the immune system. This is thanks in part to its antioxidant effects, which help fight harmful free radicals and strengthen immune cells to fight back against invaders.